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By Amish Wisdom Admin 45 Comments The Amish typically get married around 20 to 22 years of age, but how do they find romance inside their conservative culture? For generations Amish parents have had traditions in place to help the next generation find their mate. The young people begin this journey during their rumschpringe, which usually begins at The word rumschpringe means running around, which allows extra freedoms so one can find friends and hopefully a mate, but mostly the rumschpringe is a bridge between childhood and being settled with a spouse and family.

The parents give leeway for the young people to express interest in the opposite sex, while providing opportunities to bond with other Amish teens.

The Amish Way of Life and Culture – Everything you Wanted to Know! The Amish way of life and culture explained. Read about their way of life regarding their funerals, weddings, schools, traditions and life in general.. Mennonite People, as they are also known as, for many, are an enigma.

Wednesday, April 17, Amish Courting and Marriage Customs Jakob Ammann became a religious leader that sought to revitalize the Switzerland Anabaptist movement in , but grew dissatisfied and later splintered from the group to start the Amish religion. He believed that to promote purity and spiritual discipline a simple, non-coveting lifestyle was needed. He forbade fashionable dress for all followers; women never to cut their hair, no long hair for men and no trimming of beards after the men were married.

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Amish migrated to North America in settling in 20 U. Young adults have very few opportunities to interact with the opposite sex and are gender segregated at church and during play. Amish rarely date before the age of 16 and they are never seen in daylight alone. The young adults have the personal freedom to choose their mates. The girls, when looking for a husband, look for a man who embodies traditional Amish values such as industry, strength, responsibility and humility, and who they think would be a good husband, father, provider and responsible church member.

When the boy chooses a girl, he shows his interest by writing a letter, or having a friend tell her. He may take the girl for a walk and has a designated time and place to meet away from the crowd and invite the girl for a ride in his buggy. Traditional courtship days are Saturday or Sunday. A steady girlfriend will see him at singing and usually every other Saturday night.
